The Urban Bee Keeper

Oct 9

I was introduced to the art of bee keeping by Nate Murray and have been fascinated with it ever since. Bee keeping isn’t apart of my daily reality so it was intriguing to learn how crucial honey bees are to my urban way of life and also worrying to learn that there is currently an

For The Love of Cartoons

Sep 23

A little known fact about me is that I LOVE to watch cartoons. I don’t subscribe to cable TV or own a TV for that matter, but if I did I would just so I could watch the Disney channel and Cartoon Network. I know. I know. This may come as a surprise, but let

Trans-cultural: Together At Last

Sep 18

I feel like the term “multi-culutral” has been coming up a lot lately in various conversations over the past several months. I am currently working at a church in West Los Angeles that is located in a neighborhood currently going through a season of gentrification. On the same block you can have a section 8

My Neighborhoods According To The 2010 U.S. Census

Sep 16

Scott Mehl recent shared an article from Aljazeera America titled “America still divided by race”. I found this very interesting as I often find myself crossing multiple ethnic, racial, and socio-economic lines in any given day. So this made me curious to take a survey of all the neighborhoods that I have lived in to

How Many People Are In Space Right Now?

Aug 31
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Have you ever been curious of how many people are in space RIGHT NOW? will tell you in real time. At the time of this post there were 6 people in space from the U.S., Georgia, and Italy. via Big Spaceship Forward Thinking Vol. 139

Los Angeles Food Deserts

Aug 30

I was first introduced to the concept of a “Food Desert” by Kaz Brecher through her work with Curious Catalyst. I recently came across this video by Naked Juice and Wholesome Wave that got me thinking about Food Deserts again. Having grown up in a small rural desert town we would take bi-weekly trips to

UNFRAMED Atlanta: 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

Aug 28

As an American there are certain periods in my nation’s history that I will never fully comprehend and I feel that the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s is one of those periods. 50 years ago life in “The Land of Free” was completely different than my current reality and I am left to rely

The Spoken Words of Propaganda

Aug 25

I have been listening to Propaganda since 2003 when he was collaborating with The Tunnel Rats crew and later came out with his solo album “Out of Knowhere”. It has been great to see him back on the scene lately under the Humble Beast label. The story that he shares with I Am Second is