As an American there are certain periods in my nation’s history that I will never fully comprehend and I feel that the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s is one of those periods. 50 years ago life in “The Land of Free” was completely different than my current reality and I am left to rely on what I read in books, historical video footage, and movie portrayals of that era. So although I may never fully comprehend the full significance of past events I can be moved by the images of past events and draw the connections of their impact to my modern life.

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and as part of his ongoing UNFRAMED project JR (of The Inside Out Project fame) “pasted a few iconic images from the march on the walls of Atlanta, in the very neighborhood where Martin Luther King grew up.” (via There is a great write up on Creative Loafing.

JR Unframed March on Washington 01

JR Unframed March on Washington 02

JR Unframed March on Washington 03

Take a moment to re-listen to the famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr. given on August 28th, 1963.